Seal Team is the premier mobile canning service in the Houston area.
We bring the equipment, labor, materials, and experience to achieve a professionally canned product that keeps our clients satisfied.
Using Seal Team, breweries can save money on expansion and brewing equipment, as opposed to devoting capital toward expensive packaging equipment and staff.
No Operational Headaches
Our mobile canning equipment requires minimal floor space. For our customers, this means no equipment maintenance, no additional staff, or space concerns.
No matter their size smaller breweries can offer another option than just kegs, and breweries already bottling are able to expand to new markets.
Lower Minimum Quantity Orders
Lower minimum orders make canning possible for small batches, seasonal beers, and special releases.

Our goal is to provide the highest quality canning and the best customer service in the industry.

Seal Team Mobile Canning LLC is driven to provide greater efficiencies, higher cost savings, less loss allowance, and higher production capacity by offering superior service and accessibility than the competition. By utilizing a state-of-the-art filling line and providing needed capacity to an underserved business community in the Greater Houston area. The company is positioned to corner the market for breweries needing the ability to get their finished product to their consumers faster.